Tag: Pharmacists

Integrating pharmacists into general practices reduces hospital readmissions and presentations

Integrating pharmacists into general practice teams to review medication management lowered the number of emergency department presentations and resulted in potentially significant cost savings to the health system, according to research published today in the Medical Journal of Australia. Researchers from Brisbane, Melbourne, and the UK recruited patients at 14 general practices who had recently

Pharmacists can play role in identifying frailty

(HealthDay)—As the number of older people in the United States continues to increase, pharmacists and health care professionals need to recognize and address the health care challenges associated with age, including frailty, according to an article published in Drug Topics. Noting that standardized and validated screenings to diagnose frailty are lacking, health care providers must

Pharmacists play role in cutting hospital-acquired infections

(HealthDay)—Pharmacists have been involved in the recent progress made toward reducing hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), according to an article published in Drug Topics. According to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 2008 and 2016 there was a 50 percent decrease in central line-associated bloodstream infections as well as other