The turkey is the most iconic part of Thanksgiving dinner, and not to take away its shine or anything, but it’s definitely not the BEST part of the meal. Turkey is simply an outlet for my uncle to use his fancy new electric carver and a vessel for which I can eat a ton of
Governments are always telling us to eat less and exercise more to be healthier, but this presents an obvious problem. Being active is liable to make you hungrier, so there’s a risk you end up eating extra to compensate, and putting on more weight than if you’d never got off the sofa in the first
Loaded baked potatoes are one of those rare dinners that are just as exciting as an adult as they were when you were a kid. There’s something about the DIY aspect of loading a freshly baked potato with whatever toppings you like in exactly the amount you want. Plus, they’re inexpensive and pretty easy —
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