The struggle to put healthy, flavorful meals on the table even on busy weeknights is one we all face. Luckily, there’s a truly easy solution for those of us who want something simple: sheet pan recipes. Instead of relying on pressure-cooking or slow cookers, just add your favorite protein, some veggies and seasoning to a rimmed
Young children are more likely to suffer severe, even life-threatening complications from the flu, but only around half of children in the US get the flu vaccine. A cheap and simple pamphlet about the flu, handed to parents in their pediatrician’s waiting room, can have a significant impact on increasing the uptake of the flu
Donald Trump eating KFC | Donald Trump via Twitter Like most families, the Trumps have their special stash of snack and munches on hand. Donald Trump especially makes no bones about his preference for junk food so digging into his pantry shouldn’t produce many surprises. Or will it? His predecessor preferred these type of snacks A
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