Zinc is what you would call a “micronutrient.” But just because it’s not a macronutrient like protein, fat, or carbohydrates doesn’t mean it’s not important. Science shows that zinc can help support a healthy immune system, assist in the healing of wounds, and aid in DNA development. “In one review, zinc lozenges were found to
Turmeric — an Asian spice that gives curry its signature color — has made its mark as a “superfood.” Research has linked the ancient spice to a slew of health benefits, like reducing your risk of prostate cancer and heart disease, fighting bacteria and viruses, and even relieving pain. Most of these benefits are tied back to
Supplementing breastfed infants with activated Bifidobacterium infantis (B. infantis) bacteria had a positive impact on babies’ gut microbes for up to a year, according to a recent study by researchers at the University of California, Davis and Evolve BioSystems Inc. The work will be presented June 9 at the annual meeting of the American Society
Scientists have long known that restricting calories can fend off physiological signs of aging, with studies in fruit flies, roundworms, rodents and even people showing that chronically slashing intake by about a third can reap myriad health benefits and, in some cases, extend lifespan. From a public health perspective, that advice would be impractical for
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