Tag: survive

New study reveals how melanoma cells survive targeted therapies

In recent years, targeted therapies have cemented their place as some of the most important tools in cancer treatment. These medicines are designed to block specific signals that tumor cells use to grow and spread, while at the same time leaving normal cells unharmed. Targeted therapies can significantly extend patients’ lives, but the benefits are

Helping infants survive brain cancer

Choroid plexus carcinoma (CPC) is a particularly challenging type of brain cancer. The tumor most commonly arises in infants under the age of one—who are too young to undergo radiation treatment. Only 40 percent of children remain alive five years after diagnosis, and those who do survive often suffer devastating long-term damage from the treatment.

Maternity Must-Haves to Help You Survive Every Trimester

You get a positive pregnancy test, and immediately, your mind starts reeling. How? What? Why? A tiny human is going to exit my body?! (OK maybe not "how" — that part is usually pretty self-explanatory.) But topping the question list is likely, "How on Earth am I going to get through the next nine months?"