When you get your period, it can feel never ending. So when it peaces out quicker than normal, it might seem like a reason to celebrate. But if your period suddenly goes from lasting a week to lasting just a few days, there could be something more serious going on than the powers that be
Woman with TWO vaginas, wombs and cervixes says doctors failed to spot her unusual anatomy until five years AFTER she gave birth Elizabeth Amoaa, from Walsall, finally diagnosed with uterus didelphys in 2015 Had no idea she had rare condition while pregnant with daughter Rashley, now 9 The abnormality increases the risk of late miscarriages
Teenager with TWO vaginas, wombs and cervixes says it took doctors eight years to spot her unusual anatomy after they repeatedly dismissed her excruciating period pains Molly-Rose Taylor, 19, from Gillingham, was diagnosed with uterus didelphys For years medics failed to spot the 2cm-thick wall of tissue dividing her vagina Two periods caused the nanny excruciating period
A Ghanaian woman who lives in the U.K. recently went on a radio show to speak about a little-known medical disorder she’s dealt with her entire life. Elizabeth Amoaa is one of very few people born with two vaginas and two uteruses, a rare condition known as uterus didelphys. Amoaa, 35, tells Health that before she was 10 years old, she’d already
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