Tag: ways

Easy Ways to Be Happier at Work

Anyone who has ever had a case of the Mondays (and isn’t that pretty much everyone?) knows that it’s hard to always put on a happy face at work. But a new study discovered that staying positive can completely change workplace vibes. Research from Binghamton University, State University of New York, specifically looked into positivity

Painless ways to limit your kids’ screen time

(HealthDay)—If you’re in a frequent tug of war with your kids over turning off their gadgets, it could be the tactic you use when you try to persuade them to disengage. It turns out that giving 1- to 5-year-olds a time warning that screen viewing is about to end makes the transition away from a

How to not get sick: 8 ways to avoid colds and the flu

Although most cold and flu infections occur during the fall and winter seasons, the viruses responsible for these illnesses are present year-round. Fighting off a viral infection takes its toll on most people, causing them to miss days at work and valuable time with their friends and families. In this article, we describe eight evidence-based

The 17 different ways your face conveys happiness

Human beings can configure their faces in thousands and thousands of ways to convey emotion, but only 35 expressions actually get the job done across cultures, a new study has found. And while our faces can convey a multitude of emotions—from anger to sadness to riotous joy—the number of ways our faces can convey different

Two possible new ways to treat silent seizures in children

January 2, 2019—As early as 3 months of age, infants with a severe form of epilepsy called Dravet syndrome start having convulsive seizures, during which their arms and legs jerk repeatedly. As they become toddlers, another type of seizure begins to appear. These seizures do not cause obvious convulsions, but disrupt consciousness and can occur

Ways to Fit Pasta Into Your Diet

FRIDAY, Dec. 21, 2018 — Who doesn’t crave a big bowl of spaghetti every now and then? But then comes the question of how to fit it into a smart diet plan. The answer is portion control. On average, one cup of cooked pasta has between 180 and 220 calories. But that number can change

Exploring ways to reduce child deaths in low-income countries

In Mozambique, the probability of dying in the first month after hospital discharge is high, particularly for babies under three months of age, according to a study led by the Barcelona Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal). The study also shows that an algorithm based on a series of simple clinical parameters can identify those children

13 Ways to Turn Oatmeal Into a Luxurious Breakfast Treat

We don’t know about you, but we really love oatmeal. It makes for a cozy five-minute breakfast in winter months, and cold overnight oats are easy and refreshing in the summer (although, TBH, we mostly stick to hot oats all year). And we still can’t get over the fact that something so easy and inexpensive

6 Ways to Guarantee Your Kids Have Fun on Vacation

Vacations are supposed to be fun for the whole family, but parents and kids sometimes have different definitions of “fun.” Luckily, with a little bit of planning, you can make sure the whole gang has a blast on your getaway. From booking a stay at a resort that caters to kids to making some adjustments

Ways to Be a Great Parent While You Travel

When we think of travel, we typically think of far-away gorgeous places and longed-for relaxation. A cocktail? A beach? A historic cobblestone street? Really, the world is your oyster.  But when your travel necessitates being away from your kids — regardless of whether it’s for work or pleasure — it becomes significantly more complicated. How

5 Ways To Beat Your Insurance Copay

  At GoodRx, we hear people say this all the time. After all, isn’t that what health insurance is for? You pay your premium and then insurance pays for your medical bills. Right? If you use GoodRx, you probably already know that prescription drug insurance isn’t what it used to be. Not long ago, most

3 Ways to Tame Food Temptations

MONDAY, Oct. 1, 2018 — Losing weight often comes down to changing the patterns and habits that led to overeating. And that usually takes self-control, or the ability to resist temptation. Think of self-control as the inner voice that keeps you from indulging in high-calorie food and prompts you to stick to your diet. But

13 simple ways to improve your self-esteem

Good self-esteem helps you make sound choices, have a healthy regard for your wellbeing, and live authentically. And it's not defined by a six-pack, a six-figure career, or a feel-good buzz after six wines. It's deeper. It's how you feel about you. Good self-esteem will help you to make good decisions. Sadly, many of us

9 Surprising Ways to Whiter Teeth

 A study by Kelton Research, an independent research firm, found that your smile might just contribute to securing a dream job. Results have shown applicants are 58 per cent more likely to get a job offer and 53 per cent more likely to be offered an increased salary if their teeth are white. The takeaway? A

The Quick Ways To Lose Your Thigh Fat

Full disclosure: There’s no one exercise or food that specifically helps you lose weight in your legs—spot reducing fat doesn’t work—but keep reading to find out what can help you trim down. KICK UP THE CARDIOBurning calories is key to reducing your overall body fat, and heart-pumping cardio is going to make that happen. Choose

8 Ways You're Staining Your Teeth Without Even Knowing It

Feel like no matter how often you brush your teeth, they still look anything but white? While you know that coffee, soft drinks, berries, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and red wine (*sob*) will all change the color of your chompers, they aren’t the only culprits. Here are nine sneaky teeth-stainers: 1. Lemonade While it may

Nutritionist-Approved Ways to Eat Eggs for Dinner

Pair eggs with pasta  “One of my favorite ways to use eggs for dinner is in a healthier version of pasta carbonara. It’s so quick, easy, and delicious, and provides the perfect pairing of protein for satiety and complex carbs for comfort,” says nutritionist Karen Ansel. “I simply toss a small bowlful of cooked extra