Tag: Looking

Looking at the legal ins and outs of vaccine mandates

Voicing impatience with the reluctance of millions of Americans to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, on September 9 President Biden ordered that businesses with more than 100 employees require workers to get the shot or test negative for the virus at least once a week. In late July, Biden had issued a similar order for

Looking for clues to improve the life of a transplanted organ

The Transplant Research Program (TxRP) at Boston Children’s Hospital is the only pediatric transplantation research program in the U.S committed to better understanding the molecular basis for organ rejection after transplantation in children. Within the last year, members of the TxRP have initiated a new initiative to extend the longevity of transplanted organs and to

Coca-Cola looking at cannabis-infused drinks

Coca-Cola said Monday it is studying the use of a key ingredient in marijuana in “wellness beverages,” as a growing number of mainstream companies develop cannabis-infused drinks. “We have no interest in marijuana or cannabis,” Coca-Cola said in a statement. But iconic soft drink producer is “closely watching the growth of non-psychoactive CBD (cannabidiol) as

In the wake of Kate Spade’s death, looking at suicide differently

The list of warning factors for suicide reads, in part, like a catalog of everyday modern ills: lagging self-esteem, depression, loss of relationships or economic security, insomnia. “When you look at those lists,” says Eric Beeson, core faculty member at Northwestern University’s Counseling@Northwestern, “it almost seems like who’s not a candidate for suicide?” And yet,

Looking for links between diet, gut microbes and cognitive decline

Are abnormal intestinal microorganisms a risk factor for developing cognitive impairment? Researchers at Rush University Medical Center are trying to answer that question with a new, National Institute on Aging-funded study that will explore how the intestinal microbiota—the bacteria in the intestine—influence the progression of cognitive decline and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Health care

Through the Looking Glass: Cybersecurity is shared global responsibility, be proactive

The cyber-threat landscape is rapidly evolving, as always, but in our recently updated Healthcare and Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Report we discovered the “old ways” of compromising systems still are highly effective as well. Thus, getting a foothold can be a relatively easy task – especially for those organizations that choose to be “willfully blind” to the cyber-threat. But, even