Category: Health News

Fans may relieve breathlessness associated with advanced cancers

Blowing air from a fan into the face of patients with advanced cancer experiencing breathlessness, and other nonpharmacologic interventions, may offer symptom relief, according to new research directed by Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center investigators. On the other hand, the investigators found medications, such as opioids, had limited impact in improving breathlessness. In a systematic

Is there penicillin in the Covid vaccine?

Vaccine: Dr Chris Smith says ‘all medicines have a side effect’ The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has started to be rolled out across the UK this week. According to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), there have been two reports of anaphylaxis and one report of a possible allergic reaction since vaccines started being administered

Hydrogen peroxide keeps gut bacteria away from the colon lining

Scientists at UC Davis Health have discovered that an enzyme in the colon lining releases hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) – a known disinfecting compound- to protect the body from gut microbes. Their study, published Dec. 9 in the journal Cell Host and Microbe, sheds light on the way microorganisms are spatially organized in the colon. It

Kids gain weight when new convenience stores open nearby

A new study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that changes in the food environment around low-income and high-ethnic/racial minority populations over time impact childhood obesity. Increased availability of small grocery stores selling a selection of healthy items in close proximity to children’s homes improves their weight status over time,

ASH: Black Race Linked to Poorer Survival in AML

TUESDAY, Dec. 8, 2020 — Self-reported patient race is the most important factor associated with poorer survival in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology, held virtually from Dec. 5 to 8. Bhavana Bhatnagar, D.O., from The Ohio State University Comprehensive

Researchers develop potential antibiotic for drug-resistant pathogen

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University and Medicine have developed a possible new antibiotic for a pathogen that is notoriously resistant to medications and frequently lethal for people with cystic fibrosis and other lung ailments. The pathogen, called Mycobacterium abscessus, is related to a better-known bacterium that causes tuberculosis and leprosy but has recently emerged as

India says it may approve vaccine in weeks, outlines plan

India’s health ministry announced Tuesday that some COVID-19 vaccines are likely to receive licenses in the next few weeks and outlined an initial plan to immunize 300 million people. Health officials said three vaccine companies have applied for early approval for emergency use in India: Serum Institute of India, which has been licensed to manufacture

Researchers discover treatment that suppresses liver cancer

Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine have discovered a treatment combination that significantly reduces tumor growth and extends the life span of mice with liver cancer. This discovery provides a potentially new therapeutic approach to treating one of the leading causes of cancer-related death worldwide. A cancer translational research team consisting of

US regulators post positive review of Pfizer vaccine data

Documents released by U.S. regulators Tuesday confirmed that Pfizer’s vaccine was strongly protective against COVID-19 and appeared safe—offering the world’s first detailed look at the evidence behind the shots. The positive review from the Food and Drug Administration sets the stage for a decision allowing the vaccine’s initial use within days. FDA regulators posted their

The Truth About Acupressure

For those who aren’t particularly keen on needles, acupressure might be a more viable option for a natural pain relief treatment. Since acupuncture focuses on releasing stagnant energy pockets throughout the body through the application of needles, acupressure claims to do the same thing — but using a practitioner’s fingers. Verywell Health explains that Traditional

Discovery provides hope for early detection of serious COVID-19

QIMR Berghofer researchers have developed a way of testing whether or not COVID-19 patients’ immune systems are gearing up to fight the virus that causes the deadly disease. They hope the discovery could be used to identify early on which patients’ immune systems are not responding appropriately, and who might therefore be at higher risk

New study reveals how melanoma cells survive targeted therapies

In recent years, targeted therapies have cemented their place as some of the most important tools in cancer treatment. These medicines are designed to block specific signals that tumor cells use to grow and spread, while at the same time leaving normal cells unharmed. Targeted therapies can significantly extend patients’ lives, but the benefits are

Feel bloated? Count on this simple tea for relief

Here is a simple home remedy by ayurvedic expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar that may help. Would you like to try? Do you often feel bloated after consuming meals? Usually caused by excessive gas production or disturbance in the digestive tract, bloating can also cause pain and discomfort, and even make the stomach appear bigger. If