Tag: 10

10 Most Popular Bread Machine Recipes on Pinterest

Yes, you can have your bread and it eat too. This is the year that bread — and the old, trusty bread machine that’s likely been gathering dust over the past, oh, decade — makes a huge comeback, and we’ve got all the bread machine recipes you’re gonna need. According to Facebook IQ’s annual topics and trends report

10 Times Reese Witherspoon Nailed the Working Mom Experience

When it comes to celebrity moms, it’s hard to find a more accomplished example than Oscar-winning actor/producer/designer/author/lifestyle guru Reese Witherspoon. The star of Big Little Lies juggles a loaded work schedule with the responsibilities of being a mother to her three kids: 19-year-old Ava, 14-year-old Deacon, and 5-year-old Tennessee. Even as a massively famous celeb

How to lose 10 TIMES more weight by changing how you think

You CAN think yourself thin! Dieters lose up to 10 TIMES more weight by simply ‘imagining themselves as being slimmer’ Dieters should imagine what weight loss would look, feel, smell and taste like Motivates dieters to stick to their plan, particularly those that lack willpower  The technique – tested in a new study – is

How 10 Parents Give Their Kids Downtime

Wake up. Get dressed. Eat breakfast. School drop-off. Soccer for one kid. Gymnastics for the other. Dinner. Homework. Sleep. If this kind of super-regimented routine sounds familiar, well, that’s no surprise. Today, children under 12 have precipitously less free time than any generation before theirs, as unstructured play and moments of respite have taken a

10 Things That Slow Your Metabolism

Need another reason to love your body? It burns kilojoules all by itself – as long as you don’t get in the way. See, every cell in your body plays a role in energy metabolism – the process of turning the food you eat into energy that keeps your heart beating, lungs pumping and muscles

Here’s What Happened to My Body When I Gave Up Coffee For 10 Days

My love for coffee started in high school with weak, syrupy-sweet petrol station “cappuccinos.” Then in college, I graduated to Donut King, then Starbucks, then fancy hipster roasts. Somewhere along the way, though, this glorious brew became more of a necessity than an enjoyment. Hectic mornings during which I had to choose between brewing coffee and

The 10 Foods You Should Every Day

Eggs Egg yolks contain tonnes of essential but hard-to-get nutrients. These include choline, which is linked with lower rates of breast cancer, and antioxidants that may help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. The Heart Foundation of Australia rates eggs as an essential part of a healthy eating plan. Getty Images

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Water This Summer

There’s no denying water is good for us. Good for our hair, skin, digestive system and immune system, not to mention water wards off all the ills that come with dehydration in the summer (hello, dehydration headache.) There’s some debate over how much we really need to drink — that whole eight-glasses-a-day thing might be

10 Snacks a Food Writer Packs for Day Hikes and Car Trips

Who hasn’t stood under a fast food awning, mouth agape, trying to pick out the burger, fried chicken, or salad option that will destroy her sense of health and well-being the least? There’s nothing wrong with fast fixes for hunger pangs, of course—you know your cravings best—but for me, this scenario happens too often on

10 Father’s Day Gifts You Can Order on Amazon Prime

Did Father’s Day completely sneak up on you this year? We’ve been there before. Of course, it’s not like you didn’t want to get your dad or partner something great; it’s just that you’ve been suuuuper-busy, right? And anyway, we’re pretty sure it’s safe to say dads (and dudes in general) are notoriously hard to