Despite the cool temperatures, no big flu wave in Germany is circulating at the moment. According to the Influenza experts at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) will change this soon. The Influenza weekly report, in the second calendar week from the 5. January 2019 up to 11. January 2019, a total of 1,263 in the
A new nuclear medicine method for detecting malignant melanoma, one of the most aggressive skin cancers, has been successfully tested for the first time in humans and could improve detection of both primary and metastatic melanoma. The research is featured in the January 2019 print issue of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. The National Cancer
The winter months are an ideal time to turn your attention inward and think of how you can establish something new for your family to do together indoors. If you can find the right thing, perhaps it will become a family ritual. Family rituals contribute to the rhythm and predictability of family life and they
Dichlorophenols (DCPs) are chemicals known to disrupt hormone systems. DCPs can be found in a variety of consumer and industrial products, such as deodorizers, antibacterial additives and even chlorinated drinking water. A new University of Minnesota School of Public Health study, recently published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, investigated two types of DCPs (2,5-DCP and
Nine out of 10 of us don’t do enough weight training, even though its bevvy of benefits include improved metabolism, bone density, reduced body fat, reduced blood pressure and reduced risk of diabetes. For inspiration to become stronger, we need not look further than the female athletes taking to court at the Australian Open this
Dear Mayo Clinic: I am 28 and healthy. I have never gotten a flu shot and have never had the flu. Do I really need a flu vaccination? My employer is recommending it for everyone, but I am hesitant. I have heard some people get sick from the actual vaccination. A: The Centers for Disease
With the rise of gluten-free and dairy-free diets over the past few years, food allergies and intolerances appear to be surging now more than ever. Celebs like Kourtney Kardashian and Kate Hudson have famously stripped their diets of common allergenic foods in the name of health, and the public seems eager to follow suit. Have
Lemons are true all-rounders. They are healthy and strengthen our immune system. Especially in Winter, the citrus is used fruit in teas. Why you should but throughout the year, lemons food, explains nutrition expert Antje Gahl. Whether as a juice, to fish or as a tea: lemons are not only extremely versatile, you are also
We know a good meal can stimulate the release of the feel-good hormone dopamine, and now a study in humans from the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Germany suggests that dopamine release in the brain occurs at two different times: at the time the food is first ingested and another once the food
Scream time. That’s what I’ve taken to calling the drama that can come from enforcing screen time limits with my kids. And no, it’s not just them doing the screaming. My husband and I had navigated screen use with our two kids, Christopher, 7, and Gabrielle, 5, keeping the binge-watching and gaming at bay by
Food poisoning occurs when a person eats contaminated or undercooked foods tainted with germs such as Campylobacter, E. coli, norovirus, Salmonella, or Vibrio. When a person eats these foods, they can experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramping, and headache. These symptoms can make it hard to keep down food. Once a person starts feeling better
The first study of the burden of listeria in pregnant New Zealanders and their babies has found reassuringly low rates of the infection – indicating food safety warnings are working to prevent unnecessary cases of miscarriage, still birth, and meningitis in babies infected in the womb. However in those who contract the infection, the consequences
Pulmonary-renal syndrome (PRS) refers to a group of rare but potentially fatal conditions that nearly always are caused by a misguided attack by the body’s immune system on the lungs and kidneys. Coughing up blood and blood in the urine are telltale signs. Treatment with corticosteroids and immunosuppressant drugs can be effective if begun before
The human skull is made up from several bones that are connected by tough fibrous tissue called sutures. These sutures give the skull some flexibility, allowing the head to pass through the birth canal. Where several sutures meet, they create a fontanel. Fontanels make the skull flexible enough for the brain to grow. When a
Valium and Xanax are brand names for two types of medication for anxiety. The generic name for Valium is diazepam. The generic name for Xanax is alprazolam. Many anxiety symptoms result, to some extent, from a chemical imbalance in the brain. Medication can help change this imbalance. Sedatives slow down certain functions in the body.
Five years after diagnosis, only 40 percent of patients with locally-advanced oral cavity cancer will still be alive. The question is who is likely to live and who is likely to die? The answer to this question could not only help patients better predict the course of their disease, but could help doctors choose the
Between April 27, 2017 and July 1, 2018, more than one million suspected cases of cholera in two waves were reported in Yemen, which had been declared a high-level emergency by the United Nations in 2015. Humanitarian organizations implemented a robust response to cholera despite numerous challenges including famine-like conditions, active civil conflict and destroyed
The youngest children in a given class at school are more likely to be diagnosed with an attention deficit disorder than those older than them, according to an American study triggering renewed debate on overdiagnosing. The topic is a heated one in the United States, where five percent of children aged two to 17 took
The parasite “Toxoplasma gondii” it makes in the cats comfortable, but also in many people. Yet he was considered relatively harmless. Researchers have, however, found out that he is able to control the human behavior. With fatal consequences. He is regarded as a harmless cat parasite and affects at least every third person in Germany.
Asthma is a common condition. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, asthma affects around 20.4 million adults and 6.1 million children in the country. Asthma causes inflammation in the airways, or bronchial tubes, which move air in and out of the lungs. The inflammation triggers the body
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