Tag: health

Obesity has become the new normal but it’s still a health risk

Nike’s London store recently introduced a plus-sized mannequin to display its active clothing range which goes up to a size 32. The mannequin triggered a cascade of responses ranging from outrage to celebration. One side argues that the mannequin normalizes obesity and leads obese people to feel that they are healthy when in fact they

One day of employment a week is all we need for mental health benefits: study

As automation advances, predictions of a jobless future have some fearing unrest from mass unemployment, while others imagine a more contented work-free society. Aside from economic factors, paid employment brings other benefits—often psychological—such as self-esteem and social inclusion. Now, researchers at the universities of Cambridge and Salford have set out to define a recommended “dosage”

Stomach bloating: One simple dietary tip to avoid tummy swelling

Cutting out these culprits can help soothe the swelling. Another simple fix is to eat regularly throughout the day. There is a popular misconception that skipping meals will flatten the stomach – this is wrong, says Kirsten Crothers, specialist gastro dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association. She explained: “Irregular eating can cause a

The ‘AI turn’ for digital health: A futuristic view

The unprecedented implications of digital health innovations, being co-produced by the mainstreaming and integration of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cyber-physical systems (CPS) in healthcare, are examined in a new technology horizon-scanning article. This digital transformation of healthcare is facilitated by the rapid rise in Big Data and real-time Big Data

Type 2 diabetes: Ways to help reverse the condition

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that affects more people now than ever. It is estimated that more than five million people will have diabetes in the UK by 2025. Knowing what symptoms to look out for and speaking with your GP are ways to help prevent the condition worsening. To mark Diabetes Awareness

The impact of gender norms on health

The standards and expectations to which men and woman generally conform impact health across life stages, health sectors and world regions, finds a new study from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. By analyzing a series of six case studies, gender norms expert Lindsay Stark, associate professor at the Brown School, and

How to Help a Friend In a Mental Health Crisis

Midway through the morning session of Mental Health First Aid, a course at the Mental Health Center of Denver, my instructor asks me to turn to one of my tablemates, look them in the eye, and ask a simple question: “Are you thinking about killing yourself?” Not “hurting yourself,” because the semantics will work against

Cancer survivors prove illness could soon be just another illness

Do these inspirational survivors prove cancer could soon be just another illness we live with? Richard Jackson was diagnosed with skin cancer and given nine months to live After a year and five cycles of a drug called ipilimumab, all tumours disappeared Deborah James, 37, will compete in a triathlon weeks after cancer surgery Her remarkable

7 Health Benefits of Kale

Kale has been hot for some time. A search of #kale on Instagram yields more than 3.6 million hits. Along with an endless stream of green smoothies and juices, you’ll find health enthusiasts sporting t-shirts and hats proudly displaying cute sayings, like “kale yeah.” A kale cult has clearly emerged. But does kale really live up