Tag: I

I Lost 35 Pounds By Joining the Gym and Going Keto

I had just turned 56 in February 2018 and started saying “almost 60” when people asked me my age. My mirror in the bathroom was not kind to me but I’d gotten used to the acceptable reflection of the man I’d been for more than 30 years. My traveling salesman-style job kept me in planes

Do you think I DESERVE to have incurable lung cancer?

Do you think I DESERVE to have incurable lung cancer? How one mother deals with the accusation that her terminal illness is self-inflicted having smoked 10 cigarettes a day When I first tell people I have terminal lung cancer, I’m usually met by one of three responses. Most commonly, it’s a concerned tilt of the

My Autism Diagnosis at Age 38 Drastically Changed How I Parent

What’s so important about diagnosis? Isn’t autism just a label? These are questions that people going through assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorders regularly hear — and they’re difficult to answer on the spot. For me, the diagnosis of having autism — a neurodevelopment disorder — came as a relief to me, mainly because I suddenly had a way to explain my extreme childhood behaviors (and having always been “the