Tag: lose

How to Get—and Stay—Motivated to Lose Weight

If the one thing that seems to be missing from your weight loss efforts is the motivation to get started on a plan or to stick with it, you might be surprised at how much control you have when it comes to this seemingly mysterious, fired-up feeling. While motivation seems like it comes and goes

A Few Simple Diet Tweaks Helped This Guy Lose 75 Pounds

• In his 30s and 40s, lifestyle changes led Dylan Thomas to gain weight, topping out at more than 230 pounds. • A regular workout regimen including free weights, pushups, and planks helped him begin to achieve dramatic results. • He also restricted his calorie intake to 1200 calories per day, which helped him complete

How to lose 10 TIMES more weight by changing how you think

You CAN think yourself thin! Dieters lose up to 10 TIMES more weight by simply ‘imagining themselves as being slimmer’ Dieters should imagine what weight loss would look, feel, smell and taste like Motivates dieters to stick to their plan, particularly those that lack willpower  The technique – tested in a new study – is

5 Keto Smoothies That Will Help You Lose Weight

Smoothies are kind of amazing. They’re a quick and easy way to grab some food when you’re on the go, they help you get a bunch of nutrients at once, and, of course, they taste pretty awesome. But when you’re on a high-fat, low-carb diet like keto, it’s natural to wonder if you can even

How Eating Pizza Helps You Lose Weight

Finally, a study proves that potato chips can help you get lean: cheat days may help you stick to your healthy eating plan in the long term, research published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology suggests. Scientists put study participants on a diet that was limited to only 44,000 kilojoules a week. (That’s compared to the average

Is It Harder For Women To Lose Weight Than Men?

The question: Sometimes, it feels like men can lose weight so much more easily than women can—is there any evidence to back that up? The expert: Dr Mitzi Dulan, author of The Pinterest Diet. The answer: You’re not imagining things. Frustrating as it is, there are a couple of reasons why it’s harder for women

The Quick Ways To Lose Your Thigh Fat

Full disclosure: There’s no one exercise or food that specifically helps you lose weight in your legs—spot reducing fat doesn’t work—but keep reading to find out what can help you trim down. KICK UP THE CARDIOBurning calories is key to reducing your overall body fat, and heart-pumping cardio is going to make that happen. Choose