Tag: need

American sign language and English language learners: New linguistic research supports the need for policy changes

A new study of the educational needs of students who are native users of American Sign Language (ASL) shows glaring disparities in their treatment by the U.S Department of Education. The article, “If you use ASL, should you study ESL? Limitations of a modality-b(i)ased policy”, by Elena Koulidobrova (Central Connecticut State University), Marlon Kunze (Gallaudet

No need for high-dose vitamin D in infants: study

Tripling the dose of vitamin D supplementation for babies does not make their bones any stronger by age two, according to a study in Finland published Tuesday. Vitamin D is essential because it helps the body absorb calcium. It is naturally produced when the skin is exposed to sunlight, but as many as 40 percent

Women need to know about the link between the pill and depression

The introduction of the contraceptive pill in the 1960s was a major milestone for female empowerment. It allowed women to separate sex from procreation, and to increase their participation in work outside the home. Now, more than 100 million women worldwide use the oral contraceptive pill to prevent pregnancy or control their menstruation. But the

Why we need to figure out a theory of consciousness

Understanding the biology behind consciousness (or self-awareness) is considered by some to be the final frontier of science. And over the last decade, a fledgling community of “consciousness scientists” have gathered some interesting information about the differences between conscious and unconscious brain activity. But there remains disagreement about whether or not we have a theory

What you need to know about fever in adults

(HealthDay)—When it comes to a fever, what’s true for kids isn’t necessarily so for adults. Even a slight temperature in a child warrants a call to the doctor. That’s not the case, though, for most fevers in most adults. What’s considered a normal temperature varies from one adult to the next. In general, though, 98.6