Tag: Smartphone

Could your smartphone hold clues to early Alzheimer’s disease?

The development of a wearable to detect early Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases years before symptoms show has taken a step closer to reality today, as UK charity Alzheimer’s Research UK announces a partnership with Boston University that will see the first digital data flowing into its global Early Detection of Neurodegenerative diseases (EDoN) initiative.

Your SMARTPHONE could soon test coughs and sneezes for coronavirus

Could your phone diagnose you with COVID-19? Quarter-size sensor attached to your device’s charging port could test spit from your coughs and sneezes Researchers have developed a coronavirus sensor that can plug into the charging port of a smartphone  The sensor contains single-strand piece of DNA that looks for a specific combination of proteins  The

Problematic smartphone use linked to poorer grades, alcohol misuse and more sexual partners

A survey of more than 3,400 university students in the U.S. has found that one in five respondents reported problematic smartphone use. Female students were more likely be affected and problematic smartphone use was associated with lower grade averages, mental health problems and higher numbers of sexual partners. Smartphones offer the potential of instant, round-the-clock

A smartphone app to treat and track autism

Diagnosing autism can take half a day or more of clinical observation, and that’s the quick part – often, families wait years just to get to that point. Now, in hopes of speeding things up, Stanford researchers are developing a smartphone app that could drastically reduce the time it takes to get a diagnosis. The

Noise in NIGHTCLUBS should be limited so millennials don’t go deaf

World Health Organisation wants to limit noise levels in NIGHTCLUBS to stop millennials going deaf 466million people have debilitating hearing loss, up from 360million in 2010  Figure expected to nearly double to 900million, or one in 10 people, by 2050  World Health Organisation warn of a hearing loss timebomb among millennials  The World Health Organization

Youth dies as a result of a Smartphone in the bath

Young people with Smartphone in the bathtub and dies In the past week, died in Russia, a young girl in the bath, because your Smartphone fell into the water. The iPhone is the 15-Year-old hung during the use of the charging cable. Russian experts had previously warned of the dangers of mobile phones in the

Smartphone app performs better than traditional exam in cardiac assessment

A smartphone application using the phone’s camera function performed better than traditional physical examination to assess blood flow in a wrist artery for patients undergoing coronary angiography, according to a randomized trial published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). These findings highlight the potential of smartphone applications to help physicians make decisions at the bedside.