Tag: to

You Can Now Get Paid to Eat Avocados for 6 Months

Avocado fiends, if you could get paid eating avocados, would you do it? Because the opportunity has finally arrived thanks to a researcher at the Loma Linda University in Southern California. Dr. Joan Sabaté, who directs the Center for Nutrition, Lifestyle and Disease Prevention at the university, is looking for 250 people to eat a

Is It Safe for Breastfeeding Moms to Use Marijuana?

Considering that marijuana is the most frequently used recreational drug among breastfeeding moms, experts know surprisingly little about what impact pot might have on nursing babies. But a small new study published in the journal Pediatrics is helping to build on what we do know. The study, which analyzed breast milk samples from 50 mothers who used marijuana,

Doctors’ intuition linked to number of imaging tests ordered

(HealthDay)—Doctors’ intuition plays a role in determining how many imaging tests are ordered for a patient, according to research presented at the 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, held from July 17 to 21 in Honolulu. Mohammad M. Ghassemi, Ph.D., from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, and

9 foods to help lower blood sugar at home

One way to control blood sugar is to eat a healthful diet. Generally, foods and drinks that the body absorbs slowly are best because they do not cause spikes and dips in blood sugar. The glycemic index (GI) measures the effects of specific foods on blood sugar levels. People looking to control their levels should

1997 to 2015 saw increase in HIV viral suppression rates

(HealthDay)—From 1997 to 2015 there was a considerable increase in HIV viral suppression rates among people living with HIV (PLWH), according to a study published online Aug. 21 in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Robin M. Nance, from the University of Washington in Seattle, and colleagues examined viral suppression trends among PLWH in a longitudinal

Spots on tongue: Causes and when to see a doctor

In this article, we look at what healthy spots on the tongue do, and the causes of unusual spots. We also cover diagnosis, treatment, and prevention tips. Healthy tongue spots There are four kinds of healthy spots or bumps that typically appear on the tongue. The medical term for these spots is papillae. Fungiform papillae

People with low muscle strength more likely to die prematurely

Individuals with weaker muscles do not typically live as long as their stronger peers, according to new research from the University of Michigan. After adjusting for sociodemographic factors, chronic health conditions and smoking history, the study published in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences found that people with low muscle strength are 50 percent more

Important Questions to Ask Your Child's Teacher

The beginning of the school year can be overwhelming. There will be shopping for supplies, packing lunches and planning that all-important first-day-of-school outfit — by the time you meet your kid’s teacher, your brain may be running on empty. Here are 10 questions you should ask to start this year off on the right foot.