Tag: weight

The Secrets to Losing Weight After 40

In your teens and 20s, it used to be that you could eat pizza every night for a week without a lot of pushback from your body in the form of extra pounds. In your 40s, not so much. Maybe you’re even eating much better now, but weight is still accumulating. It’s usually not just

How much protein do you need for weight loss and muscle growth?

(HealthDay)—Low-carb, vegetarian, Mediterranean—whatever your diet, it’s important to get enough protein. Although research hasn’t yet pinpointed one perfect formula, experts say that the typical “recommended” daily minimums aren’t optimal, and that it helps to factor in your weight and activity level to determine how much protein you personally need. A good baseline for people who

Roxane Gay reveals weight loss surgery in moving essay

Roxane Gay has revealed she has undergone weight loss surgery, in a moving personal essay. The Bad Feminist author wrote that she had a sleeve gastrectomy in January in a piece published on the online self-publishing platform, Medium, as part of a series Gay has authored on the website titled, "Unruly Bodies". Author Roxane Gay. "I

Study: The Best exercise for effective weight loss

What kind of Training, it allows for quick weight loss? When it comes to losing weight from excess pounds, we are looking for quick and effective Ways to reduce our weight. Since the question of whether a short Training with high intensity in weight loss effective, compared with a longer Cardio workout. The scientists of

These 4 Factors Could Drastically Help You Lose Weight

Brian St. Pierre, M.S., R.D., C.S.C.S., is a member of the Men’s Health Advisory Board. Weight loss can feel like a moving target. What works one month doesn’t seem to work another month and stepping on the scale can often feel like a game of roulette. At Precision Nutrition, where I work as a Nutrition

Proportion of Cancers Due to Excess Body Weight Varies by State

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 2, 2019 — A considerable proportion of cancer cases in men and women are attributable to excess body weight (EBW), with variation in the proportion among states, according to a study published online Dec. 27 in JAMA Oncology. Farhad Islami, M.D., Ph.D., from the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, and colleagues used state-level,

5 Myths and Facts About Holiday Weight Gain

With a few weeks until New Year’s Day, it’s still prime indulging season, the time of year when you may feel tempted to give into lots of treats, and worry about the consequences in January. But are some of the things you believe about holiday weight gain actually old wives tales? Here are five falsehoods

How to lose 10 TIMES more weight by changing how you think

You CAN think yourself thin! Dieters lose up to 10 TIMES more weight by simply ‘imagining themselves as being slimmer’ Dieters should imagine what weight loss would look, feel, smell and taste like Motivates dieters to stick to their plan, particularly those that lack willpower  The technique – tested in a new study – is