Category: Health News

E. coli infection induces delirium in aging rats: Research could inform understanding of how immune system activation affects cognitive function in the elderly

Activation of the immune system by an infection may temporarily disrupt formation of long-term memories in healthy, aging rats by reducing levels of a protein required for brain cells to make new connections, suggests new research published in eNeuro. Cognitive decline in old age is thought to be gradual, as in Alzheimer’s disease. However, an

Genes, environment and schizophrenia: New study finds the placenta is the missing link: Placenta may also hold the key to why developmental brain disorders are more common in males

Hiding in plain sight, new research shines a spotlight on the placenta’s critical role in the nature versus nurture debate and how it confers risk for schizophrenia and likely other neurodevelopmental disorders including ADHD, autism, and Tourette syndrome. This new scientific frontier, with far-reaching implications for maternal and child health, creates the possibility that scientists

Characteristics of microorganisms most likely to cause a global pandemic

Infectious disease preparedness work focuses predominantly on an historical list of pathogens derived from biological warfare agents, political considerations, and recent outbreaks. That fails to account for the most serious agents not currently known or without historical precedent, write scholars from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in a new report on the traits

Stronger alcohol policies help reduce alcohol-related crash deaths in US

Stronger alcohol policies, including those targeting both excessive drinking and driving while impaired by alcohol, reduce the likelihood of alcohol-related motor vehicle crash deaths, according to a new study from Boston Medical Center and Boston University. The findings, published in JAMA Internal Medicine and based on national data, demonstrate that policies involving alcohol consumption and

A key switch in biological clocks

Just as we abide by an external time schedule to eat, sleep, and go to work, our body is similarly dictated by internal clocks. Known as circadian rhythms, these daily cycles keep us on a regular 24-hour day and are involved in numerous aspects of our well-being. When these biological clocks fail to work as

Blue baby syndrome: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Hemoglobin is a blood protein that is responsible for carrying oxygen around the body and delivering it to the different cells and tissues. When the blood is unable to carry oxygen around the body, the baby turns blue (cyanotic). Blue baby syndrome is rare in industrialized countries, but it does occasionally occur in rural areas.

Insomnia causes the brain to ‘eat itself’, study finds 

Insomnia causes the brain to ‘eat itself’ and may lead to Alzheimer’s, study finds Sleep is important to clear away brain cell ‘wear and tear’, research suggests Yet, insomnia causes this to go into overdrive and remove healthy brain cells Previous research suggests the removal of such cells is linked to Alzheimer’s The study was

Link between depression and cognitive decline explored

Depression can affect anyone at any stage of their life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 in 6 people in the United States will experience depression at some point in their life. Scientists do not know the exact cause of depression, but many believe it is a combination of

Gut bacteria play key role in anti-seizure effects of ketogenic diet

UCLA scientists have identified specific gut bacteria that play an essential role in the anti-seizure effects of the high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet. The study, published today in the journal Cell, is the first to establish a causal link between seizure susceptibility and the gut microbiota — the 100 trillion or so bacteria and other microbes

France had a million fewer smokers in 2017: ministry

France had a million fewer daily smokers in 2017 over 2016, the health ministry said Monday, thanking the dissuasive power of higher tobacco taxes. In a special report on tobacco use in a country once synonymous with smoke-filled Parisian street cafes, the ministry did not mention whether electronic cigarettes have had any impact on the

Bad Vibes? Heavy Marijuana Users Hold On to Negative Feelings

SAN FRANCISCO — Many people tend to look back on the past with rose-colored glasses, remembering the good times and the good feelings…while forgetting the bad. But a new study suggests that heavy marijuana users may have some trouble letting go of negative emotions tied to memories — a phenomenon that's also seen in people with

Study reveals gaps in follow-up care after concussion

Being discharged from a hospital trauma center after receiving treatment for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) does not necessarily mean that a patient has fully recovered. TBI can lead to long-lasting physical and cognitive symptoms, but a new study in JAMA Network Open suggests that many patients may not be receiving follow-up care. Patients in

Why music volume matters when trying to lose weight

Music can have a visceral effect on us. Indeed, most people reading this will remember a time when music altered their mood — be that positively or negatively. In the world of retail, manipulating mood can be the difference between a sale and someone walking out of the shop empty-handed. Given humanity’s readiness to be

Your Summer 'Base Tan' Is Wrecking Your Skin

Is it safe to get a "base tan" in the summer? No. There is no safe amount of tanning. Tanning isn't bad for you just because it comes with the risk of burning, which can cause skin cancer. Tanning is bad for you because your body doesn't even begin to tan until dangerous ultraviolet (UV)

Thanatophobia: What to know about death anxiety

Death anxiety is not defined as a distinct disorder, but it may be linked to other depression or anxiety disorders. These include: post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD panic disorders and panic attacks illness anxiety disorders, previously called hypochondriasis Thanatophobia is different from necrophobia, which is a general fear of dead or dying things, or things

Study reveals gaps in follow-up care after concussion

Being discharged from a hospital trauma center after receiving treatment for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) does not necessarily mean that a patient has fully recovered. TBI can lead to long-lasting physical and cognitive symptoms, but a new study in JAMA Network Open suggests that many patients may not be receiving follow-up care. Patients in