Category: Health News

Increasing exercise over 6-year span protects the heart

Heart failure affects about 5.7 million adults in the United States. The most salient risk factors for this condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are: hypertension, a history of coronary heart disease or heart attacks, and diabetes. Since this condition, once acquired, has to be managed for life, healthcare professionals

3 proven ways to hack your restaurant meal

Several restaurant meals are notorious for sky-high sodium levels and are-you-kidding-me calories, but treating yourself to a meal out doesn’t mean settling for poor nutrition. The American Heart Association shares three “eat smart” hacks in honor of World Hypertension Day. Outsmarting eating out has gotten easier now that many restaurants offer better-for-you items, calorie count

US regulators approve the first migraine-prevention drug

New once-a-month drug offers hope to millions with severe migraines (and it will be available next week) The injected medication Aimovig is due to be available within the next week Unlike other migraine drugs, it does not cause side effects like weight gain Side effects can be worse than migraines, with up to 86% stopping

Why Are So Many American Men Getting STDs?

As if dating weren’t hard enough, singles in California have one more thing to worry about: the rise of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). According to the California Department of Health, more than 300,000 cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis were reported in the state in 2017 alone. Overall, the transmission rate of these three STIs

Loneliness changes the brain making you feel afraid and aggressive

Loneliness changes the brain: It boosts a chemical that makes you feel fearful and aggressive, study finds The majority of Americans feel lonely, according to recent research  Loneliness not only raises the risk of mental illnesses, but of chronic physical diseases as well  Researchers discovered that increase of a particular chemical in two different parts

Subungual hematoma: Symptoms, causes, and treatment

A subungual hematoma occurs when an injury breaks open blood vessels under the nail, causing blood to collect and become trapped in one spot. Poorly fitting shoes can also cause subungal hematomas, especially if the person is very active. Shoes that are too tight or narrow can put pressure on the toenail, breaking blood vessels

Learning music or speaking another language leads to more efficient brains: Whether you learn to play a musical instrument or speak another language, you’re training your brain to be more efficient, suggests a Baycrest study

Whether you learn to play a musical instrument or speak another language, you’re training your brain to be more efficient, suggests a Baycrest study. Researchers found that musicians and people who are bilingual utilized fewer brain resources when completing a working memory task, according to recently published findings in the journal, Annals of the New

Cellular valve structure opens up potential novel therapies

Human cells are enclosed by membranes and are in osmotic equilibrium with their environment. If the concentration of solute molecules (osmolarity) in the fluid surrounding the cells decreases, cells start to swell; in extreme cases, this can result in the cells bursting. To avoid this, cells activate volume-regulated chloride channels (VRACs) of the LRRC8 protein

Vecna and Imprivata partner on biometric palm vein scanning for secure patient check-in

Vecna Technologies, a developer of patient self-service systems, has integrated its onsite patient check-in platform with Imprivata's PatientSecure identification technology. Through the partnership, hospitals and ambulatory practices will be able to use Imprivata's biometric palm vein scanning technology to securely ID patients who are checking in using Vecna's platform. There is now a thriving market for

Why mindful breathing keeps your brain healthy and young

Lately, more and more studies have confirmed that yoga and mindfulness benefit the brain as much as the body. Just 25 minutes of yoga or mindfulness have been shown to improve brain function and boost energy levels, for example. Yoga can make you more resilient to stress, and some studies have even found the molecular

Above us only sky: The open air as an underappreciated habitat

Numerous bat species hunt and migrate at great altitudes. Yet the open sky had, until recently, not been on the radar of conservation scientists as a habitat relevant to a large variety of species. Christian Voigt and colleagues from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Berlin have collated the current scientific

Why diet soda is ruining your diet

Why diet soda is ruining your diet: ‘Harmless’ sweeteners derail your metabolism and wear down enzymes that protect you from diabetes Taxes are being placed on sugar-sweetened drinks, not diet ones  But new research by the University of Michigan shows that diet soda sweetened with aspartame could be just as diet-wrecking Artificial sweeteners are everywhere,

56% of women find smokers unattractive survey finds

MOST women find smokers unattractive – and would rather likely to date an e-cigarette user (but men don’t care either way), survey finds A survey found that 56 percent of women would not date someone who smokes However, this number decreased to 46 percent who said they would not date someone who vapes Additionally, almost

This girl’s family desperately need a blood door

Bruises on a five-year-old girl’s legs that have turned into a race against time to beat cancer: She has 2 months to find a stem cell donor but her parents fear they won’t because she is Asian Kaiya Patel, five, has a rare and aggressive form of leukaemia Unexplained bruises appeared on Kaiya’s legs but

Alternative treatment for mild asthma

A large international study led by a Hamilton researcher has found a patient-centric treatment that works for people with mild asthma. People with mild asthma are often prescribed a daily treatment regimen, but up to 80 per cent do not follow the routine, using inhalers only when they have an asthma attack. Now the researchers

Which foods might stop your brain from shrinking?

As we age, our brains tend to shrink in volume — “at a rate of around 5 percent per decade after age 40,” to be more precise. And the more they shrink, the more this seems to affect an individual’s cognitive abilities. However, there may be ways of maintaining a healthy brain volume, even as