Oesophageal microbiota may help to improve the diagnosis and management of oesophageal cancer, according to the results of a study presented today. Researchers from Italy directed by Professor Cammarota have found a unique pattern of microbes living in the oesophagus of people with oesophageal cancer or Barrett’s oesophagus, which could potentially be used to identify
Social vulnerability showed to be a major limitation to participation in cancer screening for four tumors types—breast, cervical, colorectal and lung—according to the French nationwide observational survey, EDIFICE 6. Also, a disbelief in cancer test efficacy among target populations was highlighted as new indicator of the non-uptake of screening, according to results to be presented
A new study identified a significant association between HIV infection and complexities of treating patients with tuberculosis coinfection. Patients with HIV were more likely to have more tuberculosis drug-related adverse events, more hospital readmissions, and longer tuberculosis treatment duration, as reported in AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,
A variety of conditions affect our ability to drive, including poor sleep, some prescription medications and alcohol. Cannabis is another. Many people use cannabis for medical reasons, for recreation purposes, or both. Figuring out whether someone should avoid driving can be tricky because of the variety of chemicals contained within the plant, the different ways
Scientists have revealed the intricate process that bone cells use to repair themselves after mechanical injury, according to a study in the open-access journal eLife. The research provides new insight on how the body adapts to all kinds of mechanical stresses—from pressure placed on bones during simple walking, to extreme forces experienced during intense exercise.
COPD is a collection of chronic lung disorders that usually develop after years of lung damage. Age does appear to be a factor with COPD because of this, and older people may be more at risk than those who are younger. Diagnosing COPD early is critical because treatment focuses on slowing the progression of the
The body needs magnesium for more than 300 biochemical processes. Magnesium blood levels of 1.7–2.3 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) are within the normal range, while levels above 2.6 mg/dl can indicate hypermagnesemia. Having too much magnesium in the blood is uncommon. It is more likely to occur in people with existing health conditions, such as
The issue of drug use and harm is one of the most compelling challenges of the current era. The so-called “war on drugs,” in which the UN has tried to stamp out recreational drug use through attacking drug suppliers and drug users, has been fought for over 40 years at great economic social and human
Symptoms of COPD, such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and fatigue, can be similar to the signs of other lung conditions. COPD often gets progressively worse over time. Getting an accurate and early diagnosis allows doctors to develop an effective treatment plan that can help slow the progression of a person’s disease. Doctors begin diagnosing
The most common use of Xanax is as an anti-anxiety medication. Created in 1969 by the pharmaceutical company Upjohn, there are now more than 50 million prescriptions for Xanax written each year. Xanax is the brand name of a drug called alprazolam. Clonazepam is used to treat seizure disorders, among other things. It is an
Hearing aids and cataract surgery are strongly linked to a slower rate of age-related cognitive decline, according to new research by University of Manchester academics. According to Dr. Piers Dawes and Dr. Asri Maharani, cognitive decline- which affects memory and thinking skills- is slowed after patient’s hearing and sight are improved. The rate of decline
Celebrate Navratri by making these special tikka and kebab dishes, courtesy Chef Harangad Singh, Pra Pra Prank, and Chef Akshay Bhardwaj, Swad Eastman Colour. Here are two dishes that your family can enjoy this Navratri. Lychee Tikka by Harangad Singh Ingredients: 180gm seedless canned drained lychee, 30gm almonds chopped, 30gm pista chopped, 30gm cashew nut
A new clinical trial at Emory University and 45 other sites around the U.S. will test a combination of vitamins and steroids in patients diagnosed with sepsis. Sepsis is caused by the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and death. According to sepsis researchers, sepsis can
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means that it causes the immune system to mistakenly attacks healthy cells. Probiotics help to maintain a good balance of healthful gut bacteria. Researchers believe that probiotics can have a positive impact on controlling, and even preventing, chronic inflammation caused by psoriasis. This article will look at the evidence
In the United States, over 100 million people are living with diabetes and prediabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition requiring lifelong management; the disease impacts a number of systems in the body. As scientists spend increasing amounts of time investigating diabetes and its effects, they are discovering relationships with various other conditions. For
Researchers at the University of Helsinki have reported PeptiENV, a cancer vaccine platform that can be used to improve the therapeutic efficacy of oncolytic enveloped viruses currently in clinical use. With the help of this new cancer vaccine platform, the activation of the human immune response against cancer cells becomes significantly more effective. “What is
These scaly patches often form on the elbows, knees, and scalp, and they may last for weeks, months, or years. It is important that people with psoriasis can identify this condition. Knowing what psoriasis looks like can help people get an accurate diagnosis and prevent them from confusing it with an infection or another severe
Certain medications commonly used to treat heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcers are linked with higher bone fracture risks among patients on dialysis, according to a new study. Almost three-quarters of patients who had a hip fracture had used the medications in the 3 years preceding their event. The findings appear in an upcoming issue of
University of Otago scientists have unravelled the 3-D structure of two proteins, potentially providing answers as to why some people may be at risk of developing specific cancers. In new findings published today in leading journal Nature Communications, the team of researchers led by the Department of Biochemistry’s Dr. Peter Mace, has solved the structure
Highlights for sumatriptan Important warnings Heart attack: This drug can cause serious heart problems such as heart attack, angina (chest pain), or cardiac arrest. If you’re at risk for heart disease, your doctor may have you take your first dose in their office so they can monitor you. Arrhythmias: This drug may cause your heart
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