Tag: it

What Does It Mean When Your Throat Hurts

Syda Productions/Shutterstock By Andra Picincu/Sept. 7, 2021 6:32 pm EDT Does your throat hurt when you swallow? Do you also have a fever, joint pain, or swollen lymph glands in the neck? Depending on your symptoms, you may be dealing with a common cold or something more serious, such as strep throat. But the cause is

What Does It Mean When Your Right Eye Hurts?

Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock By Sam Ramsden/Sept. 7, 2021 12:29 pm EDT Because they provide one of the most important functions of the human body, experiencing pain in your eyes can be a very alarming experience. Thankfully, the majority of discomfort in the eyes is usually down to a temporary condition. But, what does it mean when your right eye

What Does It Mean When Your Right Breast Hurts

Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock By Sam Cohen/Aug. 31, 2021 7:35 pm EDT Breast health is incredibly important, as certain conditions are more easily treatable if they’re caught and identified early. This is one of the main reasons why women are advised to perform their own monthly breast exams to ensure the tissue is free from lumps, as these

What It Really Means When You Dream About Snakes

Many times our dreams may seem completely random, or else they’re just some mishmash of events from our waking life mashed up with any movies or TV shows we’re recently seen. Like, you know, that one where you’re riding on a bus with Piglet from the Masked Singer and he takes off his mask and

What It Really Means When You Dream About Bears

If you are a hiker or camper and often have to consider how to keep your food and supplies (and self) safe from bears, then dreaming about bears could simply be a reflection of your anxieties and experiences of your everyday life, much like a student dreaming about failing a test. After all, bears are

What It Really Means When You Dream About A Plane Crash

Dreaming about a situation as chaotic as a plane crash will likely make you ponder your mental state at the time of the dream. Despite their scary and chaotic nature, nightmares do not often reveal anything sinister about your mental health, aside from the fact that they might point to the fact that you are

Here’s What It Means When Your Dream Comes True

You’ve heard the saying “a dream come true” for most of your life but have never actually taken it literally. It typically has a figurative meaning and refers to something you’ve wanted in your fantasies but never really believed could become a reality. But some people really find that dreams they have while they sleep

Is It Bad To Charge Your Phone Overnight?

It’s time to figure out once and for all if it’s bad to charge your phone overnight. No, this isn’t an episode of “Mythbusters,” but the revelation of these rumors may feel like a big reveal. According to Business Insider, it’s a common myth that leaving your phone plugged in overnight could damage the battery

The dark side of antibiotics and what we can do about it

As early as the 13th century, scholars proposed that diseases were caused by ‘invisible entities’ unseen to the naked eye. However, it was not until the 1670s when Antonie van Leeuwenhoek made his microscope did the theory gain traction. Just as seeing tiny ‘animalcules’ zipping around under the microscope enabled the field to advance, it

India says it may approve vaccine in weeks, outlines plan

India’s health ministry announced Tuesday that some COVID-19 vaccines are likely to receive licenses in the next few weeks and outlined an initial plan to immunize 300 million people. Health officials said three vaccine companies have applied for early approval for emergency use in India: Serum Institute of India, which has been licensed to manufacture

Getting it just right: The Goldilocks model of cancer

Sometimes, too much of a good thing can turn out to be bad. This is certainly the case for the excessive cell growth found in cancer. But when cancers try to grow too fast, this excessive speed can cause a type of cellular aging that actually results in arrested growth. Scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School