Tag: model

Three-dimensional model of human placenta developed

The placenta is the organ connecting mother and embryo. Its main functions are the exchange of nutrients, gases and metabolic products and the production of hormones and other substances essential for embryonic development. Placental malfunctions are the main cause of pregnancy complications and can lead to miscarriage and other serious disorders that endanger both mother

What Aussie Model Elyse Taylor Eats In A Day

After fronting campaigns for Victoria’s Secret, Bonds and Tommy Hilfiger, Aussie Model Elyse Taylor knows a thing or two about keeping in shape. Now the 30-year-old has landed a gig as the face of cosmetics brand Nude by Nature. She gave us the scoop on her exercise and nutrition regime. Luckily for us, it’s pretty

Toward a computer model that predicts the outcome of eye diseases

The eye hosts a powerful biological computer, the retina. Understanding how the retina transforms images from the outside world into signals that the brain can interpret would not only result in insights into brain computations, but could also be useful for medicine. As machine learning and artificial intelligence advance, eye diseases will soon be described

Morals more important than success in a role model

People choose role models who have achieved success in ways that are in line with their own moral values, according to University of Queensland research. Dr. Kim Peters of the UQ School of Psychology examined the competency and moral characters of role models in the workplace and found that people did not blindly follow extraordinary

The cognitive-behavioural model of hoarding disorder

Standard therapy for compulsive hoarding needs to unpack many factors that contribute to the problem. This includes examining each person’s upbringing, early family history and understanding the way they think, according to Australian and US researchers. Led by Flinders University Professor Mike Kyrios, who has been conducting this research over many years while previously working

This SI Swim Model Shared a Powerful Post About Going From a Size 2 to a Size 8 and Overcoming Her Eating Disorder

Mia Kang doesn’t hold back. The former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model and professional Muay Thai fighter has been open about her past struggles with anorexia and bulimia. Just last year, Kang told Health that she had previously binged and purged and also abused laxatives as a young model striving for the “perfect” body.  All that changed when she discovered Muay

New disease model to facilitate development of ALS and MS therapies

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed a new disease model for neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS and MS that can be used to develop new immunotherapies. The model is described in a publication in the scientific journal Nature Immunology. All of the body’s organs contain macrophages, which, as part of the immune system,