Tag: skin

Type of Pollen Allergies

Skip to: How allergies usually work? Types of Pollen Allergies Diagnosis of Pollen Allergies How to Treat Pollen Allergies? Pollen grains are released by trees, flowers and other plans with to fertilize other plants of the same species. An allergy to pollen is one of the most allergic reactions is the USA. Studies show that

Somatization Symptoms

Somatization refers to the expression of psychological or emotional problems as physical (somatic) symptoms. A common example is a headache being brought on by stress. Credit: Yuttana Jaowattana/ Shutterstock.com Somatization can give rise to a group of disorders broadly referred to as the somatoform disorders, which may be characterized by chronic and severe symptoms. People

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a psychological condition characterized by depressive symptoms that occur during certain months of the year. Research has highlighted several potential causes of SAD, all of which tend to stem from a biological condition. Susilyn | Shutterstock What is SAD? Seasonal affective disorder is a type of recurring major depressive disorder

Diet and Psoriasis

“You are what you eat.” This popular phrase truly describes the important role that diet plays in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Research increasingly suggests that certain food, nutrients or diet plans may have beneficial effects on the skin, while others may act as triggers of certain skin conditions or disease. Psoriasis is a

Can Acupuncture Prevent Disease?

Skip to: A Promise for PTSD Patients Warm Acupuncture for A Restful Night’s Sleep Scalp Acupuncture to Stimulate Brain Activation in the Elderly The exact means by which acupuncture affects the central nervous system is unclear. The practice of acupuncture is widespread – both in the world, and across the body. It can be applied

My New Favorite Body Scrub Leaves My Skin Smooth, Not Oily

We all have our beauty-product pet peeves. OK, I have, like, a dozen. Among them are brands that claim their products are chemical-free (literally impossible), waterproof mascara that is somehow less waterproof than non-waterproof mascara (I'm not naming names here, but I could), and body scrubs that are basically just tubs of oil with a

7 Lesser-Known Ingredients That Treat Acne

All products featured on Allure are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. I've been dealing with acne for so long that oftentimes, I forget what my clear, baby-faced skin once looked like back in middle school. If you, too, have been

Here’s Why Your Tattoo Faded So Much

Everyone who gets a tattoo goes into the shop knowing that how it looks at the end of the session is the most sharp and vibrant it's ever going to look. Once healed, work done by a talented, professional tattoo artist will still look fresh and vivid, but from that point on, other factors play

Instagram's Favorite Yoga Brand Just Launched Skin Care

Chances are, you clicked on this article because you're a big fan of Alo Yoga, the California-based activewear brand known for its incredibly comfortable workout clothing and high-quality yoga gear. (If you're a yogi and haven't tried one of its mats yet, what you waiting for?) Now, after nearly 14 years on the market, the

Realistic Temporary Tattoos Are More Popular Than Ever

Thirty percent of Americans have at least one tattoo. For the rest of the population, there's been the option of a temporary version for at least a century. But it's just recently that fleeting tattoos have become a varied and nuanced art form much like their permanent counterparts. Many companies now collaborate on designs with