Tag: the

How the human-animal bond complements treatment for veterans

Dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend, but for some military veterans, these four-legged accomplices also take on the role of therapist and confidant in the battle against post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When combined with traditional, evidence-based interventions, the human-animal bond has proven to be an effective, complementary treatment for PTSD, with positive

How Long Do The Moderna And Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines Last?

While researchers still have much to learn about the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, a new study offers potentially good news for those who’ve been vaccinated with the Pfizer and Moderna’s versions. The study, published in the journal Nature, suggests that these two vaccines produce persistent immunity, meaning those who’ve received them could be protected for years —

The Biggest Concern Dermatologists Want You To Know About This Summer

Dermatologists, while always helpful for skin conditions, are truly a necessity for more than eczema and acne. The knowledgeable doctors can assist with appropriate product recommendations, advice for aging skin, and, most importantly right now, suggestions for keeping the skin healthy during the summer season. The hot weather causes some changes to the skin, including

Study tracks the spread of COVID-19 in Sweden

During the pandemic, the free COVID Symptom Study app has helped researchers understand the complexity and spread of the corona virus better. “The study has exceeded our expectations since its launch in Sweden in April 2020. Participants from all over Sweden got involved and many of them have spent one minute every day answering questions

Branding the jab: The secret weapon to increase vaccination rates

As the global race for COVID-19 vaccination continues, new research from the University of South Australia shows that the uptake of vaccines could be vastly improved if approved vaccine brands received more positive promotion and media coverage. Conducted by UniSA’s Ehrenberg-Bass Institute of Marketing Science, the study examined more than 2400 unvaccinated adults across three

The 5 Best Ways to Lose Weight After 40

In your teens and 20s, it used to be that you could eat pizza every night for a week without a lot of pushback from your body in the form of extra pounds. In your 40s, not so much. Maybe you’re even eating much better now, but weight is still accumulating. It’s usually not just

Which Tattoo Colors Fade The Fastest?

Getting a tattoo is more than just walking into the shop and going under the gun. The design, location, and colors that you choose will make the difference between a piece that looks vibrant and sharp for years to come, and one that fades into something that’s barely recognizable. One of the biggest mistakes you

Here Are The Best Kinds Of Mattresses For Your Back Pain

As many people age, they start to understand why their parents always complained about their backs. They get sore! Especially after waking up, your vertebrae can feel stiff and uncomfortable — particularly if you’re using the wrong mattress. According to Health, nearly 80 percent of Americans report suffering from back pain, either sporadic or chronic.

The 100 Best and Worst Cities in America for Mental Health

WITH THE GLOBAL-pandemic-slash-economic-collapse-slash-political-unrest of the past year, we’ve been thinking a lot about mental health. What it means; how we can improve it; and where people seem the healthiest. Our analysis of 100 major American cities factored in per capita mental-health-care providers, fit-brain behaviors (sleep, physical activity, no excessive drinking), deaths due to mental disorders

The micro-environment of breast cancer in three dimensions

Cancerous tumors thrive on blood, extending their roots deep into the fabric of the tissue of their host. They alter the genetics of surrounding cells and evolve to avoid the protective attacks of immune cells. Now, Penn State researchers have developed a way to study the relationship between solid, difficult-to-treat tumors and the microenvironment they