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Dubai orders hospitals to cancel surgeries amid virus surge

The government of Dubai on Wednesday ordered all hospitals to cancel nonessential surgeries for the next month as coronavirus infections surge to unprecedented heights in the United Arab Emirates. In a circular sent to government-run and private health centers across the emirate, Dubai’s Health Authority announced that starting Thursday medical operations “may be allowed to

What to Know About Quinoa and the Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a popular low-carb, high-fat diet that often involves tracking net carbs. Those “net” carbs are generally defined as the amount of carbohydrates in a food or drink that your body can digest and use for energy. The idea behind keto, after all, is to move your body away from using carbs

Mothers of children with autism found to have significantly different metabolite levels

Blood sample analysis showed that, two to five years after they gave birth, mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) had several significantly different metabolite levels compared to mothers of typically developing children. That’s according to new research recently published in BMC Pediatrics by a multidisciplinary team from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Arizona State University,

Low fitness linked to higher psoriasis risk later in life

In a major register-based study, scientists at University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have now demonstrated a connection between inferior physical fitness in young adults and elevated risk of the autoimmune disease psoriasis. For the male recruits to compulsory military training who were rated as the least fit, the risk of developing psoriasis later was 35 percent

Botulism breakthrough? Taming botulinum toxin to deliver therapeutics

While rare, botulism can cause paralysis and is potentially fatal. It is caused by nerve-damaging toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum—the most potent toxins known. These toxins are often found in contaminated food (home canning being a major culprit). Infants can also develop botulism from ingesting C. botulinum spores in honey, soil, or dust; the bacterium