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European workers fail to hydrate properly

A newly published scientific paper indicates that occupational safety and daily day performance in seven out of 10 workers from several European industries are negatively affected by a combination of heat stress and failure to maintain water balance. The study combines field observations and motor-cognitive testing in the lab, and was conducted by the Pan-European

Millions of ER Visits for Asthma Due to Air Pollution

FRIDAY, Oct. 26, 2018 — Air pollution accounts for millions of emergency room visits for asthma each year, according to a study published Oct. 24 in Environmental Health Perspectives. Susan C. Anenberg, Ph.D., from George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and colleagues used epidemiological health impact functions combined with data describing population, baseline asthma incidence

Canadian doctors to start prescribing museum visits

A group of Canadian doctors are to begin prescribing trips to an art gallery to help patients suffering a range of ailments become a picture of health. A partnership between the Francophone Association of Doctors in Canada (MFdC) and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) will allow patients suffering from a number of physical

Fasting before a cholesterol test: What to do and what to expect

A cholesterol test measures the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in a person’s blood. Cholesterol is a fat-like material that is present in all of the body’s cells. The body needs some cholesterol to help produce vitamin D, hormones, and enzymes that aid digestion. A cholesterol test, also known as a lipids panel, measures several

Monitoring muscles to improve athletic training

Elite athletes understand that to maximize performance, they can’t only train hard during workouts—they must also train smart. Unfortunately, unless you’re willing to live in a lab, it can be easier to get real-time information about your car than your body. Startup Humon is one of a growing number of companies trying to change that

Leave the job at work to ensure better health and sleep

Feeling tired, sluggish and sleep-deprived? The culprit could be work-creep, according to new research from the University of South Australia released today. An international study of 230 healthcare employees over two years reveals what many people have long suspected: continuing to work after hours – whether it’s emailing, checking phones, laptops and text messages –

Dirty Air Tied to Millions of Asthma ER Visits Each Year

WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24, 2018 — Polluted air may trigger as many as 33 million asthma-related emergency room visits globally each year, a new study finds. “Millions of people worldwide have to go to emergency rooms for asthma attacks every year because they are breathing dirty air,” said study lead author Susan Anenberg, of George Washington

5 Ways To Beat Your Insurance Copay

  At GoodRx, we hear people say this all the time. After all, isn’t that what health insurance is for? You pay your premium and then insurance pays for your medical bills. Right? If you use GoodRx, you probably already know that prescription drug insurance isn’t what it used to be. Not long ago, most

Social vulnerability and medical skepticism top factors limiting adherence to screening

Social vulnerability showed to be a major limitation to participation in cancer screening for four tumors types—breast, cervical, colorectal and lung—according to the French nationwide observational survey, EDIFICE 6. Also, a disbelief in cancer test efficacy among target populations was highlighted as new indicator of the non-uptake of screening, according to results to be presented

Try Small ‘Bites’ to Get Kids to Exercise

FRIDAY, Oct. 19, 2018 — Kids take their cues from mom and dad, so it only makes sense to participate with them when teaching them the merits of exercise. Couch potato kids are a real concern. The College of New Jersey exercise science professor Avery Faigenbaum defined the term exercise-deficit disorder — or EDD —