Category: Diet & Food

20 High-Protein, Low-Carbohydrate Foods Everyone Should Be Eating

When you first embark on a low-carbohydrate diet, it feels like freaking EVERYTHING has carbs—leading to a lot of Regina George-level questions. (Don’t worry: Butter is not a carb.) Yes, it can be super confusing. But this nutritionist-approved high-protein, low-carbohydrate foods list can make your next grocery trip a little bit easier. In general when

6 Frozen Foods That Are Actually Pretty Good for You

The frozen aisle in the grocery store gets no love. People often feel that if food isn’t fresh, it’s no good. We also often hear that frozen food has too many preservatives to be healthy. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many incredibly high-quality, convenient frozen foods on the market. In

A trendy fruit has entered the Costco food court

We may love to snack on giant hot dogs and pretzels when doing our shopping at Costco, but there’s a new healthy option coming to the menu that sounds pretty intriguing. Costco has been offering acai bowls on their menus in California, Oregon and Hawaii for quite a while — obviously, they had the audience

The Best Whole Grains That Don’t Taste Like Cardboard

We all get it: Whole grains are good for you. They protect your heart, reduce your cancer risk, shrink your waistline, and keep you full. But why do so many of the whole-wheat options out there (I’m looking at you, whole-wheat spaghetti!) taste so blah? Thankfully, whole grains go way beyond sad, cardboard-imitating pasta. Basically,

Cockroach Milk Is Apparently a Superfood Now

Two years after a scientific study on cockroach milk first made headlines, the creepy-crawly non-dairy alternative is back in the news: When an old article resurfaced last week, the Internet pounced—reacting with horror, fascination, and sometimes a little bit of both. So what is cockroach milk? The buzz all started back in 2016, when an international team of

Dear God, Cockroach Milk Might Be The Next 'Superfood'

It’s a pretty universally accepted fact that cockroaches are nasty and you want nothing to do with them. But news reports are showing up everywhere, including the Daily Mail, about the potential health benefits of cockroach milk—yup, milk from cockroaches. Hold up. What is cockroach milk? People of course have been eating insects in non-Western

Make This Meaty Grilled Swordfish Recipe in Minutes

Some people liken swordfish to pork chops, and that’s a pretty genius way to tackle preparing the fish. This simplified recipe borrows from the Thai ­style grilled pork shoulder from Chef Kris Yenbamroong’s Night + Market cookbook. Ted Cavanaugh What you’ll need: ½ cup soy sauce1 Tbsp neutral oil2 tsp ground white pepper1 lb swordfish

Here's How to Get Free Donuts on National Donut Day

Sure this weekend is Memorial Day, which means it’s time for barbecues and endless rooftop brunches and happy hours, but it also means we’re getting closer to National Donut Day! On June 1, all donut lovers will be able to celebrate and enjoy their favorite treat with an official holiday. To mark the joyous occasion,

These are the best fish tacos you'll ever eat.

Want to try the best fish tacos you’ve ever had? Then, make this recipe inspired by Coni’’Seafood in Cali­fornia, where you’’ll taste the grill­ing traditions of Nayarit, a small state southeast of Baja along the Pacific coast of Mexico. The local Pescado Zarandeado dish is typically served with a basket of hot, fragrant tortillas and