In five Federal States: the manufacturer recalls Salami

The producer Cesare Fiorucci S. p. a. informs about the recall of the article “Classic Salami Il Gusto d’Italia” and “Salametto Fiorucci”. The company announced that is missing on deer packing due to a printing error, the note on contained Milk allergens.

The producer Cesare Fiorucci S. p. a. calls for consumers who are allergic to milk and the affected products have been purchased to use the product and in the respective point of sale to return. The purchase price will be refunded. Consumers have no intolerance or Allergy to milk ingredients can consume the products safely. The consumer portal &quot reported;Product"

Affected article: Classic Salami Il Gusto d’Italia and Salametto Fiorucci
Manufacturer: Cesare Fiorucci S. p. a. product

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Milk contaminated by bacteria! Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Kaufland, Netto start callback

FOCUS Online/Wochit milk contaminated by bacteria! Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Kaufland, Netto start callback