Tag: children

Children exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke may become snorers

Children are more likely to become snorers if they are exposed to second-hand smoke, finds study Chinese researchers made the conclusion after reviewing 24 existing studies Kids are 87% more likely to become snorers if exposed to second-hand smoke The odds rose by around 2% for every cigarette smoked daily in the home  Children exposed

Mum Warns Of Dangers Of Mini Eggs After Daughter Chokes

A mum has shared her anguish after her five-year-old daughter choked on a Cadbury Mini Egg and sadly passed away. Taking to parenting blog Mumsadvice.co.uk, she warned other parents to be aware of the possible dangers of giving young children the treats. “With Easter coming up I want to warn you all about another deadly

Separating children from parents can have significant health consequences, psychologist says

The Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy has led to more than 2,300 children being separated from their parents. While the administration on Wednesday reversed course to allow migrant families to avoid separation by being detained together, the sad truth is that for some children damage has already been done, according to Michael A. Southam-Gerow,

New drug halves hearing loss in children following cancer treatment

Giving the drug sodium thiosulphate after chemotherapy reduces hearing loss in children treated for liver cancer, according to findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine today. Results from the Cancer Research UK funded SIOPEL-6 clinical trial show that giving sodium thiosulphate (STS), after a type of chemotherapy called cisplatin, reduces hearing loss by

Children with kidney disease show blood flow changes in brain

Blood flow changes in the brains of children, adolescents and young adults with chronic kidney disease may explain why many face a higher risk of cognitive impairment, according to a study published online in the journal Radiology. Prior research has linked chronic kidney disease, a condition characterized by the loss of kidney function over time,

Are birth mothers satisfied with their decisions to place children for adoption? Time will tell, study says

New research findings from Baylor University’s Diana R. Garland School of Social Work could change the adoption landscape for birth mothers struggling with the life-altering decision to place their children. There is consensus among adoption researchers that for many birth mothers the experience of placing their children for adoption brings feelings of grief, loss, shame,

High vitamin D levels linked to lower cholesterol in children

There is a link between higher serum vitamin D levels and lower plasma cholesterol levels in primary school children, new research from the University of Eastern Finland shows. Children whose serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels exceeded 80 nmol/l had lower plasma total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels than children whose serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were

Growth of Greenlandic children is no longer stunted

For centuries, Inuit children in Greenland, Canada and Alaska have been observed as small. But recently, growth has increased. “During the last couple of years, people have noticed that Greenlandic boys and girls are getting taller compared to older generations. These common observations have now been scientifically proved,” says Marius Kløvgaard, MD and one of

Research finds pain expectation is pain reality for children

So much for, “See? That wasn’t so bad.” If your child thinks the needle is going to hurt, that expectation ensures it’s going to hurt. That’s the finding of first-of-its-kind research from UC Riverside psychologist Kalina Michalska. For the first time, researchers have looked at how expectation influences pain experience in children. “We know that

Suicide ideation, attempts increasing among U.S. children

(HealthDay)—From 2008 to 2015 there was an increase in encounters for suicide ideation (SI) and suicide attempts (SAs) among U.S. children, according to a study published online May 16 in Pediatrics. Gregory Plemmons, M.D., from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn., and colleagues used a retrospective analysis of administrative billing data from the

Grown adults also suffer from dramatic night terrors 

It’s not just children! Grown adults also suffer from dramatic night terrors Shockingly, around 20 per cent of six-year-olds have nightmares each week But, while 15 per cent of children have night terrors, so do 2 per cent of adults They occur in the non-REM stage of sleep, so people act out what’s happening Gasping