Kym Marsh, 42, has portrayed Michelle Connor on ITV’s Coronation Street since 2006. Her fame has given her the opportunity to highlight a number of personal issues – including those relating too her health. Just last week, she revealed she recently went to have a vitamin drip with her boyfriend Scott Ratcliffe after feeling “sluggish”.
Men born to mothers who are stressed by bereavement or divorce while pregnant ‘may have fewer sperm and less testosterone’ Australian researchers studied the sperm of more than 600 20-year-old men Sperm counts could be more than a third lower if a man’s mother was stressed The effects could add to other health problems to
A colon or a question mark? Doctors release fascinating image of a baby’s unusually-shaped large intestine Doctors were worried when he was unable to pass stools 24 hours after birth Scans showed a ‘shortened colon that appeared in the shape of a question mark’ Medics published the image in the prestigious New England Journal of
German beer can convince in the Test In a recent test judgment Öko-Test shows that beer does not have to hide from Germany. More than half of the 43 tested Pils from the beer sections with the grade “very good”. In some Beers, however, and glyphosate were detected residues. Deductions there was for some varieties
Mother, 26, left unable to have more children after surgeons removed the WRONG healthy fallopian tube by mistake Chelsie Thomas was rushed into surgery after having an ectopic pregnancy It was ‘clearly’ in her right fallopian tube, but a surgeon removed the left one The day after, still in pain, Ms Thomas was called back
Dr Chris spoke about vitamin D deficiency on This Morning today, urging those who live further north tot ensure they get enough sunlight. The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and if a person does not have enough vitamin D, calcium will not be absorbed properly from the food they eat, causing low levels
Woman left with horrific steroid withdrawal syndrome after quitting the eczema cream she’d used for 20 years because it wasn’t working anymore Irene Tempelaars, 29, from Nijmegen, Netherlands, was diagnosed with eczema at age 10 Eczema causes red, fiercely itchy rashes on the face, arms and legs As the rashes began to spread all over
Honey is ‘just as effective as treating cold sores as anti-viral creams’, scientists say Participants in a large study used either anti-viral cream or honey on their lip Both treatments cleared the cold sore within nine days without side effects Researchers said people who prefer natural remedies can be confident it works It’s already used
As lactic acid bacteria stimulate our immune system Lactic acid bacteria from fermented foods like yogurt and Sauerkraut to play for our health a major role. So far, however, is largely unclear where this effect originates. A German research group has now found in a recent study found that bacteria from fermented food interact directly
Health-checking robots used to spot signs of illness in Chinese pre-school children ‘wouldn’t catch on in the UK because people are afraid of being spied on’ A firm called Walklake has rolled out the robots to more than 2,000 pre-schools They use cameras to take photos of hands and faces to spot red patches Each
Woman, 54, develops eczema on her hands and feet after suffering an allergic reaction to the nickel inside her dentures Unnamed woman had previously reacted to metallic jewellery Metal-allergy expert made the connection after a dermatologist missed it Symptoms resolved when nickel implants were replaced with titanium ones A 54-year-old developed eczema on her hands and
Brazil’s Attorney General’s Office is suing multinational tobacco companies to recover costs by the public health care system in treating smoking-related illnesses. The suit, filed against British American Tobacco and Philip Morris International on Tuesday, seeks to recover costs spent treating 26 diseases with scientifically proven links to tobacco usage in the last five years.
In the UK there are more than 100,000 hospital admissions each year due to heart attacks. Could a simple blood test help doctors predict the risk of heart attacks in people? If a piece of fatty material breaks off, a blood clot could form which tries to repair the damage to the artery wall. The
It is a Premiere in Germany: Two women who had been born without a uterus, brought to a successful Transplantation and now his own children to the world. The babies had been delivered in March and may 2019 by caesarean section, was announced by the University hospital of Tübingen. “I’ve seen a lot of births,
Back pain is a common condition that usually improves by itself within a few weeks or months, according to the NHS. It could be caused by sleeping in an awkward position, having bad posture, or even by a minor injury. Staying active and doing exercise is one of the best ways to reduce back pain,
Actress Keke Palmer on Thursday joined the thousands of women sharing their abortion stories. She said she felt “disheartened” about the newly passed law in Alabama that effectively bans abortion. Palmer, 25, tweeted that she decided to get an abortion because it was not a good time in her life to raise a child. “I
After the quick showers on the armpit stripes and the Freshness remains all day: The promise of roll-on deodorant. Stiftung Warentest has examined 21 products, the most important criterion: protection against armpit odor. Check the Tester ordered twenty male and female test subjects to the lab and the other is not a painted one of
Dementia is the name given to a group of symptoms linked to an ongoing decline in brain function, according to the NHS. There are a number of different types of dementia, but the most common is Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is believed to be caused by an abnormal build-up of proteins in and around the brain. You could be
The caterpillars of the oak processionary moth have triggered in Bretten, a town in Baden-Württemberg, now already for the second Time, a large police operation. Two schools had to be evacuated last Monday. 30 students had to be medically cared for four children over a short period of time to pass out. Already last Friday,
Russia plans law to fine people £36 for claiming HIV and AIDS don’t exist as conspiracy theory spreads online and more than 100,000 people were infected with the deadly virus last year Between 900,000 and 1.2million Russians, out of 144m, are living with HIV Deniers are being led to believe the virus was made up
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